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SHAMEless strives to spark conversation regarding the mental health and wellness of people in our society by utilizing the power of social media to virtually connect with others. Our goal is to share people’s stories on various platforms (i.e. podcasts, instagram posts) to help reach others who need to hear them. We also wish to educate and spread awareness on the implications of mental health in today’s world. We want to discuss topics of mental health on any level, because we believe no mental health issue is too small, and no amount of help is too much. 

the founders

dillen chung

Dillen is a high school senior living in Virginia. She helped start up SHAMEless because she wants to create a safe place and community where people can be vulnerable and be themselves. In her free time, Dillen likes to film and edit videos, go golfing with her brother, doodle in her bullet journal, and binge watch Korean dramas :)

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sreenidhi mudigonda

Sreenidhi is a high school sophomore from California! She wanted to start SHAMEless because she recognized the lack of discussions around mental health and wanted to ignite more conversations about this topic that is often overlooked. In her spare time, Sreenidhi enjoys singing and playing piano, making videos, interviewing people, baking, and having dance parties with her sister!

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emily moon

Emily is a high school senior living in Texas. Wanting to make a difference in the community, she helped start SHAMEless in order to remind those undergoing hardship that they are never walking alone. She believes every story, big or small, is worth telling and listening to. In her free time, Emily enjoys painting, playing instruments, swimming, and skateboarding!

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haania punjwani

Haania is a high school sophomore in Texas. She founded SHAMEless because she wanted to educate others on mental health and to tell everyone that they are not alone in their struggles. She believes that everyone deserves love and hopes to help people love themselves through this organization. In her free time, she likes to dance, listen to kpop, paint, write in her blog, and spend time with her family!

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abby chung

Abby is a high school sophomore from Virginia. She is a part of SHAMEless because she believes utilizing real voices and personal experiences can help break the stigma surrounding mental health. Through the stories that we share, she hopes to redefine what it means to be shameless. Abby enjoys singing, playing volleyball, learning Kpop dances, and eating good food. 


The hippo symbolizes calm and peace during tough times, strength, courage, and "the ability to navigate through your emotions with clarity." Hippopotami are very social creatures, like humans, living in groups up to 30! We chose the hippo to be the symbol of our organization because of these reasons (it also goes really well with our color scheme). You will see a lot more of this friend in the future :)

the hippo

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